Thursday 15 December 2011

pottery and ceramics

Pottery and ceramics are the kinds of goods, goods made ​​of clay that can generally be divided into two categories, the glazed and not glazed. Glazed earthenware not included comb pattern pottery with decorations from Neolithic Age, pottery from the Bronze Age smooth complexion, gray pottery from the period of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, China and Japan, the gray ceramics from Goryeo and Joseon periods and brown pottery jars old of modern times who named puredok. Glazed pottery with ceramic glaze starts green and black glaze pottery from the 9th century Silla period are found at the site Gurim furnace-ri and the bercirikhas onggi dark brown glaze that is used to store food. Furnishing of pottery, both glazed or not, has been used from prehistoric times to the present and is widely used in daily life of Koreans.
History of pottery emerged as the development of human civilization in prehistoric Korea, which is about 7000-8000 years BC. At first, only the Koreans and Chinese are capable of making quality pottery produced from the combustion temperatures above 1000 degrees.

And now as many as 35 traditional Japanese artist exhibiting ceramic vessel or furnace Traditional Japan, his work on display, they are actively working in seven locations in Japan's traditional stoves burning. They differ in orientation. Some of them carry a long tradition of pottery making while continuing to pursue a richer standard in their craft. While others are attempting to create works that are more individualistic, while exploring new forms.


Talk about red wine which is a cultural heritage that has been from century BC. The discovery of jug-jug of wine in Bibracte not far from Le Creusot is evidence that they are consuming wine. Besides, in the "Last Supper Jesus" is also shown that Jesus and his disciples to drink wine as a symbol of Jesus blood. So it's red wine "sacre" in other words "holy".

And in the land of Iran was also found jugs of wine and estimated age 7000th BC. And they get the best quality of wine, that is by storing it using the jugs made ​​of clay.

Make Pottery

how to make pottery
Pottery or better known by the name grabah. Pottery has been used since before the existence of silver, bronze and is the equipment for household needs, the current modern era pottery was still in good use for the needs and requirements of daily or even just as a decoration in the house. And the author was just a few easy steps. Making pottery using clay base material and then mixed with sand and ground / on the running board until soft. Furthermore, in the form by using perboat a run by using the feet, while the hand shape according to the type that will be made (mortar, pot, pitcher, bowl, kluwengan, etc.). Once formed according to its kind, the pottery in place on a wooden board to dry. The time needed for drying for 2-3 days, after the pottery is baked dry for 3-5 hours during the day is done. Especially for a mortar before being burned first disaput with red cement and in the sun again.
Materials for the manufacture of pottery:
1. clay
2. sand
3. water

Tool - a tool
1. perboat (rotary tool)
2. Yarn (cutting the ground)
3. Wood (the pottery)
The manufacturing process
Clay and sand is mixed with the ground / on the running board until soft, keep in shape by doing that on the run by using the legs while his hands formed in accordance with the desire, in what form (Cobek, pot, pitcher, bowl, kluwengan , ETC) continues after the pottery is formed on a wooden board to put in the drying process for 2-3 days after the mortar dry for at saput with red cement hold on longer drying finishing of this process is burning for 3-5 hours during the day is done.

New Ewer

Ewer of ancient Rome, the riddle. Although it has been restored, scientists have not been able to identify such artifacts.

"The scientists were intrigued by the mysterious pot. We have been a number of experts in ceramic urns of Roman pottery and other experts sent, but can give no information," said Katie Urban, a researcher in London.

The ewer with a height of 40 inches is expected to come in 1800 years. Before drawing in shape, consists of the field of 180 pieces parts identified Museum of Archaeology in Ontario. Once reassembled, the urn remains a mystery because its full of holes.

Expertise can be broadly divided into two groups. The first group is to assume a lamp pot. While other groups believe that animals ewer, such as rats and snakes. However, it is again all speculation, because until now there is no other similar artifacts are urn was found.

In addition, the mystery still surrounds the certainty the origin of these ancient objects. A research report mentions the urn one finds in Roman Britain is donated to the museum in 1950 by an archaeologist named William Francis Grimes. But in urban areas beg to differ. "It could be a pot collection that we have been not 100 percent clear. We are still working to find an explanation," said Urban.

Currently, the pot is at the Archaeological Museum of Ontario as part of the exhibition "Prehistoric and Roman Britain exposed